by New-Constitution | May 21, 2020 | 1 comment
The electoral college is an artifact of the nation’s founders not trusting the populace with the direct election of the president. The current system, however, has resulted in three recent presidents being elected without the approval of a majority of American citizens. This is a fundamental betrayal of democratic values.
Comments are welcome below. All comments must be respectfully written and not contain misinformation or fallacious reasoning. We welcome thoughtful dialogue of differences.
We can not only abolish the electoral college, we can institute a national mail-in ballot system for presidential elections. Ballots printed with anti-counterfeiting features such as those found on $1,000 bills should be sufficient to prevent fraud. These ballots would be mailed out to all registered voters 60 days before the final election (primary elections would winnow out the field of candidates).
Voters who don’t want to trust their ballots to the postal system could pick them up directly at a local government office, with a signature and photo ID required.
Counting would be conducted by the FEC at secure locations in each state, with provisions for party observers and monitoring of procedures.